It took me about two months of reading (almost) every single day to complete this book. Primarily because I could only focus intensely most days for 10-20 pages at a time. Once I got into it, I was pretty consistently reading about 100 pages a week. I would read a little in the morning and before bed. The feeling of getting into a “flow” state felt amazing. That’s what I would say this book provided mostly for me. The experience and less about the content or takeaways.

The only way that I can explain this book would be that you go on an adventure by way of little “scenes” or “acts” as if in a play. It’s a very medidative experience because if you aren’t focused, you will easily begin to just read words and miss a scene.

It’s definitely a challenge in self-control and perseverance. While the content can certainly be gripping at times, there are other times where you feel lost and you can choose to give up or you can choose to focus and push through.

I had music playing and that helped focus (if you played the right music). My favorite music pairing was the “Relaxing Warm Piano” playlist on Spotify.