The Adoption of Go in a Service-Oriented Architecture at StockX

The service-oriented, or microservice, architecture at StockX is one widely-used in the industry. In this architecture, a set of smaller services compose the application as a whole, where each service has a very specific task, e.g., providing product information, generating shipping labels, calculating pricing information, etc.. This suite of smaller services, often use light-weight communication protocols like the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), but other forms of communication do exist such as Remote Procedure Calls (RPC).

While this post alludes to the architecture style at StockX, we will not discuss in detail, the concept of service-oriented architectures. A post that does, is written by Martin Fowler, titled “Microservices: a definition of this new architectural term”.

A majority of the server-side, or backend, services at StockX are currently written in Golang or more simply, Go, with many new services also being written in the language. Two core competencies of Go that warranted its adoption as the primary backend language of StockX are its performance gains over other languages, while focusing on simplicity.

That being said, the choice of Go as the primary backend language was not without industry influence. An official Go Blog post titled, “Eight Years of Go”, referenced analyst Donnie Berkholz’s post deeming Go as “the emerging language of cloud infrastructure”. In Berkholz’s post, he uses commit data from an Ohloh data set, which contains information about more than 600,000 free and open-source software (FOSS) projects to support his claim.

One of the larger — 9,227,099 lines of code (LOC) according to OpenHub — well-known open-source projects using Go is Docker. 83.3% or 7,846,057 lines of code are written in Go according to OpenHub, where the project is broken down by language. StockX is one of many companies using Docker to containerize its services. According to Docker, they are the “world’s leading containerization platform.” Containerization is a way to house an application and its dependencies so that the application can be run on a wider range of hosts, yet still behave as intended. Additionally, containerizing an application facilitates running it in the cloud.

Building and Running a Go Service

Note: this post will not include the necessary steps to install Go or set up a Go development environment, for that, refer to the Getting Started page on the official website for Go.

Conventions Used in this Post: In this post, I will use $ to indicate a command that needs to be run in your terminal. If this symbol is not present, it will most-likely mean it is the response or output from the previous command.

Since a Go application’s source code and dependencies can be compiled into a single, static binary, it is easily containerized. This post will demonstrate the process of building a self-contained binary and containerizing a Go application. The purpose of this post is not to discuss how to program in Go, therefore, the application that will be containerized is provided in this public GitHub repository.

The code provided is for a simple server, running on port 8080 by default, that will respond with the message “hello”. You can run this server on your local machine — assuming you have Go installed — with the following command:

  $ go run main.go

To interact with the server that is running, you can use the Unix command, cURL, or curl in another window of your terminal. For our example, the URL that we will use is localhost:8080. Running the command below in your terminal, you should receive a response.

  $ curl localhost:8080/hello



Running Go in Environment Without Go Installed

However, it is often the case that the application that you are building will be run in an environment different than the environment in which it was developed, possibly one where Go is not installed. When this is the case, the Go toolchain can be leveraged to build a single, static binary with the following command in the root of the project:

  $ go build -o bin/hello .

In the command above, the -o flag, which is only allowed when compiling a single package, forces build to write the resulting executable or object to the named output file, instead of the default behavior.

Now, we can run the same server by executing the binary with the following command in the root of the project:

  $ ./bin/hello

In another window:

  $ curl localhost:8080/hello



Building and Running Go on a Different Operating System

To build a binary that would be executable on an operating system or processor architecture other than the that of the development environment, we can again leverage the Go Toolchain’s build command, except this time setting two environment variables. In this example, we will be build a binary for Alpine. Alpine is a lightweight, security-oriented, distribution of Linux. In order to build the binary for this distribution of Linux, we need to set GOOS=linux and GOARCH=amd64. Now, our build command is:

  $ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/hello .

While this application won’t run on your local machine — unless you are running Alpine Linux — it will now run on a system that is running Alpine. An easy way to test this out is to use Docker’s Alpine Linux image.

Containerizing a Go Application

Note: this post will not include the steps necessary to install and run Docker on your machine. For the steps needed to install and get started with Docker on your machine, refer to the Install Docker page on Docker’s website.

Building an Image

A Docker image can be built using a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text file that contains the necessary commands to assemble a Docker image; an alternative to a shell command with numerous flags. The docker build command allows users to automate the image build process by executing the commands in the Dockerfile. The contents of our Dockerfile — named Dockerfile_1 in order to differentiate between Dockerfiles throughout this tutorial — are as follows:

  FROM golang:1.9


  RUN go get


  ENTRYPOINT ["go", "run", "main.go"]

When a Dockerfile is present in the current directory, the following command will build a Docker image tagged stockx/hello:

$ docker build --rm -f Dockerfile_1 -t stockx/hello .


  Step 1/5 : FROM golang:1.9
  ---> 138bd936fa29
  Step 2/5 : RUN mkdir /app
  ---> Using cache
  ---> fd1cf9736c21
  Step 3/5 : ADD . /app
  ---> b698af017d04
  Step 4/5 : WORKDIR /app
  Removing intermediate container d8b5ad763bf7
  ---> 0518e56b3702
  Step 5/5 : ENTRYPOINT ["go", "run", "main.go"]
  ---> Running in 14d350c4d643
  Removing intermediate container 14d350c4d643
  ---> 807e62c84619
  Successfully built 807e62c84619
  Successfully tagged stockx/hello:latest

To see a list of images immediately available on your machine — including the image tagged stockx/hello — run the following:

  $ docker images


  REPOSITORY                            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
  stockx/hello                          latest              49b293df7e71        9 hours ago         734MB

Note that the size of the image is ~730MB. We will use this number as a point of comparison later, so keep it in mind.

What is the Difference Between a Docker Image and a Container?

While this post will not go into detail on the topic of the differences between a Docker image and container, the high-level concept is that a container is a running instance of an image. To start a container and map the container ports to your local machine, use the following command:

  $ docker run -p 8080:8080 stockx/hello


  2018/01/23 02:12:01 started server on localhost:8080

To see the running container, use the following command:

  $ docker ps


  CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
  4492d4f94465        stockx/hello        "go run main.go /bin…"   1 second ago        Up 3 seconds>8080/tcp   romantic_neumann

Building a Lightweight Image

Currently, we are using the latest Golang image as our base image, this image is unnecessarily large for what we are trying to do. We can significantly reduce the size of the image by taking advantage of Go’s ability to be compiled into a single, static binary. Then, the binary can be run on a different distribution of Linux, such as the aforementioned, lightweight, Alpine distribution.

To do this, build the binary for the runtime environment, in this case, it will be Alpine Linux, so we can use the command from earlier:

  $ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/hello .

For this build, we will use Dockerfile_2 which uses Alpine Linux as the base image, copies the Go binary to our container and runs the binary instead of invoking Go. Dockerfile_2 contains the following:

  FROM alpine:latest

  RUN mkdir /app

  ADD /bin/hello /app

  WORKDIR /app

  ENTRYPOINT ["/app/hello"]


  $ docker build --rm -f Dockerfile_2 -t stockx/hello .

Now, if we run docker images and look at the size of the image, it is significantly smaller, over 700MB smaller. It is now ~10MB as compared to the previous ~730MB.


  REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED                  SIZE
  stockx/hello        latest              a585021da814        Less than a second ago   10.7MB

To start the container and list the running containers once started, use the following commands, respectively:

  $ docker run -p 8080:8080 stockx/hello
  $ docker ps


  CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED                  STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
  750208ddc2b4        stockx/hello        "/app/hello"        Less than a second ago   Up 1 second>8080/tcp   cocky_shannon

Difficulty Using 3rd-Party Libraries

At StockX, many of our Go services have their own database. In an attempt to make working with the database more repeatable and reproducible, we use an object-relational-mapping (ORM) library, which also includes a migration tool. However, to use the migration tool in the container, the source must also be added to the container. In actuality, all that we need is the binary for the migration tool in the container. To do this, we need to build the binary, but since our containers are running a different operating system and have a different processor architecture than our development machines, which run macOS, cross-compilation is necessary. An added complexity that makes simply cross-compiling for the runtime environment non-trivial is that the migration tool imports C libraries.

One way to build and run the migration tool in the container would be to use the golang:alpine base image — similar to when we first containerized our application — and then run a go get and go install in the container. Again, this is less than ideal because now our container is doing much more work than it should have too and it is getting bloated. Another way, and ultimately what we identified as the best way to add this migration tool was to a multi-stage docker build. What this allows for is building a preliminary image where you can clutter it up as much as you want and then feed data into the next image in the multi-stage build.

To do this, basically all that needs done is to add the contents of two Dockerfiles into a single Dockerfile, like so:

  FROM golang:alpine AS prelim

  RUN mkdir /app

  RUN apk add --no-cache git build-base

  RUN go get
  RUN GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 \
    go build -o /go/bin/soda

  FROM alpine:latest

  RUN mkdir /app

  ADD bin/hello /app

  COPY --from=prelim /go/bin/soda bin/

  ENTRYPOINT ["/app/hello"]

Running our server will behave the same, but what we are interested in is that the soda binary is accessible in the container. To check this, exec into the running container with the following command (for this command you will need to located the <CONTAINER_ID> from docker ps):

For the proceeding command, you will need to grab the CONTAINER_ID from docker ps. To check this, exec into the running container with the following command:

  $ docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/sh

Once in the container, ensure that the binary that we added to /bin is accessible by running ./bin/soda. If everything works out as expected, you should see something similar to the following:



  A tasty treat for all your database needs

    soda [flags]
    soda [command]

  Available Commands:
    create      Creates databases for you
    drop        Drops databases for you
    help        Help about any command
    migrate     Runs migrations against your database.
    schema      Tools for working with your database schema

    -c, --config string   The configuration file you would like to use.
    -d, --debug           Use debug/verbose mode
    -e, --env string      The environment you want to run migrations against. Will use $GO_ENV if set. (default "development")
    -h, --help            help for soda
    -p, --path string     Path to the migrations folder (default "./migrations")
    -v, --version         Show version information

  Use "soda [command] --help" for more information about a command.